- Flyline Music AG

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Produkte > Studio Equipment > Weight Tank
Historic German Tube Preamplifier

- Mono Röhren Vorverstärker, 19" 2U
- Design aus legendären Siemens/Telefunken Kassetten
- 2 EF86 Röhren im Signalweg
- 56dB Gain, 22dB mehr als Original
- Trafosymmetrierter Input und Output
- Entwickelt von Locomotive Audio in den USA

Add historic German Tube Preamp Gain to your Arsenal

The WT-72 brings you the rich, mid-forward coloration that the original V72 console modules are known for!

Inspired by the V72 modules originally built for the German Radio Network, the WT-72 offers 56 dB of gain, which can be driven by a microphone or line level source. The vintage modules only offered 34 dB of gain, so an additional 22 dB of gain is made in the WT-72 with small adjustments to the circuit while maintaining the most sought after tone and character we have all come to love.

The performance of a high-quality mu-metal shielded input and heavy duty output transformer as well as the EF86 output plate choke helps provide the character of its vintage inspiration!

Transformer balanced input and output give the WT-72 the character of the original

Tube Circuitry
Audio passes through two EF86 tubes giving 56 dB of gain

Output Headroom
A plate choke feeding the output EF86 provides large output swings at low distortion.

Line Input
When "Line" is selected from the XLR IN switch, a 36 dB pad is placed before the input TX.
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