Engages the external sidechain send and return loop. If no signal is present on the external sidechain inputs, it will effectively bypass the compression. These connections are balanced. Shape the compression response with the ability to insert complex eq and filters in the sidechain.
Engages a 220Hz high pass filter (6dB) in the sidechain path to even out the response of the detector and allow bass frequencies and fundamentals to pass.
Doubles the ratio from 2:1 soft knee (button out) to 4:1 medium knee when this button is in.
When pressed in conjunction with RATIO X2, sets a ratio of ~10:1. The ratio settings given are based on a BEHAVIOR setting of ‘0’, increasing BEHAVIOR will result in higher compression ratios. Each ratio has a different knee.
Sets the level at which compression occurs.
Magnifies the compression envelope in a unique fashion. BEHAVIOR control manipulates the hardness and envelope of the compression and can take the sound from virtually all ambience to all transients. As this control interacts with the other compression controls, it creates a large array of envelope shaping and sonic possibilities depending on the selected ratio and
attack/release settings. Start with this control at ‘0’ and ease it up to get a feel for what it does. It can create very extreme compression at high settings, as it skews not only ratio but timing (fast can get very fast, etc.)
Continuously variable ATTACK from 0.1 msec. to ~50 msec (with BEHAVIOR at 0). Pulling the Attack control engages RMS mode (Attack and Release controls are inactive in RMS).
Continuously variable RELEASE from less than 0.1 sec. to ~1.1 sec. Pulling the Release control engages a dual stage auto release. In this mode the control remains active, controlling the time of the fast release stage, while a slower release reacts to the overall program level.
Controls the makeup level of the compression INTO the harmonics chain, setting the amount of harmonic color. Unity setting is ‘0’. This control can be driven hard with or without HARMONICS engaged for different textures and character.
100Hz stereo shelving eq.
12Khz shelving eq.
Sets the balance between compressed and uncompressed signals.
Sets the final output level, post blend. Unity setting is ‘6’.
Engages a fixed high pass filter set at 50Hz with a resonant peak. Low Contour is relay bypassed and completely out of the signal path when disengaged.
Engages the EQ circuitry. EQ is also relay bypassed and completely out of the signal path when disengaged.
Engages additional analog harmonics bus, driven with the LEVEL control (and eq). The harmonics circuit softens and bends peaks and levels, as well as creating low order harmonics. It has a wide range (sweet spot) before if hard clips, and can be used for subtle thickening and inflating. Experimenting with transients, it will round before obvious clipping is heard, and will
increase apparent volume. It will also ‘push back’ a bit when eqing into it, and can add cohesiveness. The HARMONIC circuit increases the gain to counter the limiting action, but at high levels the limiting action of the circuit can actually lower the level relative to the HARMONIC circuit disengaged.
Relay switched bypass.
Line In, Line Out, Sidechain Send, Sidechain Return
5 pin XLR